Rose in Water

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bike Riding

Yesterday I went for a bike ride. Another beautiful bike path was just completed in the community I live in here in Florida. Not only is the trail wonderful but it is completely flat…..something I have come to cherish. :-) .

As I was riding, I started to get very still inside….bringing the attention of my awareness back to the Still Point…away from thoughts of and about the world ….to this inner Space…. where True Presence….as divine Love, Understanding and Experience was already happening as me…as my specific and distinct awareness and experience. I rode quietly, becoming more absorbed in this gentle Place within my consciousness and yet wholly aware of everything of the trail that surrounded me.

And then…once again….as a witness to all this sweet, pure Presence knows, experiences and is….my own conscious awareness and everything within it….was permeated and bathed with this Light.

I was the Larger Self,  and absolutely every aspect of my Field of Consciousness, the trees, birds, air, breeze, sun, sounds, bike, movement, body, people…..were an expression, of this same Self. Every single Thing…. was this One Life…..being, looking at and knowing ItSelf…. as me, through me and with me. It was like being a Cell of conscious awareness in and as the one Infinite Universal Self. No separation….just One….loving, serving and being its Self. Such gratitude and joy were washing over me and through me.

It is so true…..when the attention of our awareness is with and on Presence… on the one Life expressing Herself as Us, on the Still Point…this inner Place where She is already Happening, Being Herself as us…..our whole field of conscious awareness….is filled with Light and a living experience of Love and Happiness…..born of a true sense of deep, profound and intimate connection with all aspects of our current experience is ours.

Monday, November 1, 2010

“Coming to” the Still Point

The Still Point……is where pure, undivided God Awareness… is already BEING – is already HAPPENING as…. the specific and distinct awareness you are aware with and as.

It is the Place in ones consciousness where the human sense of mind, the personal and false sense of self, life and experience comes to.... with its focus of attention and love ….that it may lay down and release…. all it thinks it knows….. all its personal awareness, thinking, judging, analyzing, fretting, planning… become still and quiet……attentive and expectant.

Let us gather together – all fragments of our scattered energy, our rambling attention – and bring it – as one focus – to this Still Point…this pure, pristine, undivided, Spiritual Light within our awareness -
and with rapt….yet  still, quiet, loving, wordless attention…..look at this Light, listen to the all encompassing Sound of It's Silence…. breath into It…..or with It….or inside of It.....keeping the attention of our awareness and heart completely present, open and receptive....

and through our undivided attention to It, and our Love and Interest for Her that is in the midst of this  Light and Silence…. the Truth of our Spiritual Life, Identity, Experience and  World…will reveal ItSelf…. impart ItSelf….. to… and as…. and through…. our very “own” conscious awareness and experience.

Let Her…that is within the Still Point….show you your Self as you are Seen.

Experience your Self …. your Identity, Body, and World…through Her Eyes and with Her Heart.

And then, as a natural extension of this gift of TRUE Self-Awareness and the Self-Love that this blossoms as….we will Know and Experience ALL included within our specific field of consciousness with the same Vision, Love and Understanding. This brings Joy to ‘all’ awakening minds.