Saturday evening when I was in the Silence of prayer…..the Words came to me….
“Easter (our Easter Experience).…is the restoration of the Mystic Heart to the Child of God.”
The Mystic Heart was defined (not in linear words but as awareness in which it’s meaning was understood and felt) as the Heart that Knows (as in direct experience of) all it actually means to BE the Child of God’s Love. It is the Heart that FEELS what it really means to Be the direct Experience and Expression of all Divine Love Is and Has…. it is the the Heart that experiences all it actually means to be the Image and Likeness of the One Divine Life… and moving and having her Being… Love’s World, the Spiritual Universe……the Universe made of perfect Love.
The Mystic Heart…..oh…I just love those words….everything in me lifted up to meet and move into them. The Mystic Heart is the full Memory of all we already are and all we already have as the Beloved of Source. Where our human heart (not as a physical organ) is full of feelings of longing, sadness, fear, emptiness, restlessness, anxiety, limitation, yes, with a little happiness mixed in….but…never for too long …the Mystic Heart…..Knows and FEELS everything about it’s real and ONLY Life as the Conscious Child….as the conscious Expression of Divine Life……and as this Life and Identity….. has no awareness or experience of the opposites……of Love…. AND…. something other than Love…. in it. It Knows ONLY Love and all that Love IS.
The Conscious Child knows only what and as God Knows, Sees only what and as God Sees, Smells, Feels, Touches, Loves only as God does because the Conscious Child IS the very Presence of God’s own Self-Expression….. Knowing and Loving ItSelf as all that Exists. The awakened Child is the Presence and the Evidence of the Presence…..of ALL that God is Being/Knowing/Feeling/Experiencing….. as her… and now. And it is the Resurrection or the Restoring of the Mystic Heart that returns us to this beautiful state of pure, undiluted conscious Awareness and thus Conscious Childhood.
Let’s think how beautiful this is. All of our sense of upset, fear and suffering comes from being unconscious Children of God……or said another way…..being unaware of Who and What and Where we actually are. We can never, ever, ever change the Fact that “NOW ARE WE THE CHILDREN OF GOD” but we do have the power to be unaware and unconscious of this Truth and dream dreams of being something else. An unconscious child lives through the human heart (the heart that believes it is separated from God and thus from the sole Experience of Divine Love) and so she sees only glimpses of how Beautiful and Holy she really is. But the Conscious Child.... living with and through and as the Mystic Heart.... remembers Reality and experiences Its reflection all around her.
Let us join together to ask for, feel into, accept, and be fully wholehearted with all our willingness and all our love... to experience the Mystic Heart as our ONLY Heart....our ONLY Awareness.... because in really already IS.
I have been told, many times, that any message given to “me” or “you” is automatically present and available for the Whole…..for it is true…there is only one Child, one Mind, one Consciousness….One Self. As we….. individually…. are awakening to this Reality…..we find that Truth revealed to one aspect (individual conscious awareness)…. is automatically extended or shared with all. If you “vibrate” with and at this specific "frequency"……in other words….if you resonate at some level of your Being with these Revelations, Impartations….then please, absolutely KNOW…. that your Mother/our Mother….Source….. is speaking them directly to you as well. If this is what you are experiencing then so gratefully and joyfully may we join together to consciously ask/accept…..for greater experience of our Mystic Hearts and thus our Lives as the divine Beloved.