Rose in Water

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jesus and Destiny

As I stand back and look at my seems that Jesus...his actual present presence and inevitably and always... the true foundation and center of them all. Like he is just there “in between us”...whether in any given relationship...he is recognized and acknowledged dimly or greatly......he is definitely It has always been that way for the center of every real relationship...even before I really started to open up to him on a personal and intimate level.

It seems that at this time....once again....he is very very tangible to many of us....and I am seeing that even those that have pushed him away....which we all do on and off.....are aching with the deeper and more undeniable desire to have real relationship with him. It comes round and round to my awareness that my function here (and perhaps yours as well) is directly related to helping give Jesus.... his love, availability and wisdom....the tangible reality he wants to share.... with those that are destined to finish their individual Atonement path.... with him taking them into its Experience. (the release of their mind and heart from the belief in separation.)

I have been told that there is a specific “place-time” in our awakening....when we are ready to have our specific Teacher of in.....the specific Expression  of the Christ Mind that is destined to lead us into our own awakening ....truly unite with our minds to take us the rest of the way into the One Christ Light.....our shared ID and Life. This Expression (specific Being)...becomes apparent to us when we are really ready and willing and open...and the understanding was/is...that the specific Expression is destined for us...not chosen by us as a personality. For those of us who keep coming back to Jesus....he is the one destined for us. Our choice in this is WHEN we will fully accept this to be true and joyfully surrender into it. WOW!!!! Why not NOW!!!

anyhow, it’s a deep and beautiful subject....very very close to my heart. I join you in your awakening and in the means of forgiveness that is Jesus’s message and purpose. Imagine the power and joy inherent in knowing that we are joined with Jesus...the Infinite Christ a shared purpose and with each other in same. Nothing else is real or present.

“Your mind will elect to join with mine, and together we are invincible. You and your sister will yet come together in my Name, and your sanity will be restored. I have called you and you will answer. “ p. 65T ACIM