Rose in Water

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Jesus Thing

 I have just reread my “About Me” page and in one of the last paragraph’s  I state…

“So, my intent is to move out of my journals and into the blog space while still maintaining the informal, completely honest and open relationship I am progressively experiencing with Jesus, and my Divine Mother… as They so lovingly bring my heart and attention back into conscious union with the one divine Self and Life and Existence that is our Omnipresent and shared Reality.”

Well, I haven’t done that at all really. I still record everything in my journals and they continue to increase in number while the blog just sits here with lots of open space just staring at me. But I can  feel with increasing “pressure”  the “push” to get out of the privacy of writing in my journals to writing in this shared space. Though of course I find great joy in the thought that my words, thoughts and experiences may inspire and assist others that read them…..this is really for me…to further expand my own awareness and experience of the beautiful Revelations and  Insights I receive…. through the act of sharing them. Jesus tells us that we must teach and share all that we desire to Remember and Experience.

I will admit here…so that this valueless thinking, feeling and self-concept can be dispelled entirely in the Light of our joining….that I still have a lingering sense of shyness, reservation, and reticence of some kind…even a lingering hint of embarrassment ….around the whole Jesus thing. I mean…in my inner heart and awareness…the joy, gratitude, desire, and increasing conviction of what Jesus really is and what His presence within my awareness really means…. is the core of my life in time and the cause of my breathing every day. Yet still… though these self imposed restrictions have lifted markedly….they can still come forth in different ways that shut me off from authentic sharing.

So, having said this “out loud” now…in front of you who read this…..I am certain that these egoic ideas will wholly disappear from my mind…because I KNOW they are without value or joy….and do not serve the one Heart and Self that we share. For those of you who have specifically asked me to please continue writing…..I am renewed in my commitment to “speaking” clearly and candidly….and will move past the stuttering, sputtering business into the clarity I actually feel. Thank you for “bugging” me. Smile

In closing this post I am going to include a letter I wrote recently to a friend that has had a deeper experience of the Christ Identity through Jesus then myself….and I was guided to write to him and his lovely wife to ask for prayer joining and support for my own fuller Realization and Experience of this. I include this letter because it speaks briefly about a very important and defining experience I had and also succinctly reveals my true Heart at this time…..
“Good morning and greetings. Thank you for the beautiful work that you do and all the love you share.

I feel the need to share something with you. In the early 1990's I had...what I Jesus Encounter....and during this time Jesus said to me..

."You love me because of all that you see in me and think that I am. But you believe that we are different. I am here with you to teach you that you and I are One and the Same."

He not only said these words to me but He put his hand on my heart and transmitted them to me as a living Truth. During the years since.... I have walked with Him very consciously and then not so consciously.....having him be in the background again. It has been on and off....obviously from my end of things.

At this time in my experience however.....I deeply and live and walk and share from the Realization of what he imparted to me that day....that we are One and the Same Spirit.....the very Spirit of God, of Love....Children of the Light, the Christ Beloved. I feel an increasing inner "pressure" to claim my Childhood...through union with His Spirit.... and to walk this earth as witness to that the Truth that only Christ is here and real and present. He tells me that I am a Child of Heaven not a child of the world and that our conscious the One Spirit the gift I have come to be and share.

I have prayed and do let His Spirit, His Holiness and Light, that is my own and everything everywhere....Shine in me Brightly...and through and as me to lift and heal and bless and joy....every heart He brings to Us. I have yearned for a connection with someone who has this experience and would pray with me to help me....let go of self more....that this Light of  the Christ Spirit.....may flow through me as It desires to do so. One day He said....
"I am the Light that always shines in your mind and through your heart and image. But you must KNOW this and TRUST it completely."

Will you and your wife and Jesus join with me for the CONSCIOUS assurance, experience and fulfillment of this? Writing to you in this way has been coming to me for days here we are. Thank you for being present and reading this. With much Love and appreciation...”