Rose in Water

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A loving clarification and expansion of yesterday’s post.

"Yes, give Me your voice...not the voice of your mouth but of your mind - You made the voice in your mind and you maintain its presence and power over you by believing in it...paying attention to it, listening to it, and following it -

But because you made it up and God did not give it to you - you can release it from your awareness and thus - return your mind to Joy.

Rather than releasing this separating thinking  thought by thought - just consciously and with active willingness and focus and intention - give Me the voice itself - over and over and over again -as you hear it speaking in your mind through your thoughts - through your thinking - choose to give it to Me. (for instance..."Here Jesus, I give this voice to is my gift to You...I am no longer interested in listening to it or keeping it as part of my Identity."

This choice and decision and your commitment to it - evidenced by your focus of attention in this way - invites the Love and Light of God - which I am for you now...which I make tangible, tactile and useful to you now -

To flood your entire Field of Awareness - blessing and lifting all within it. This Light of God's Love is experienced by you as the True Voice within your mind - that Thinks and Speaks for God and Her Universal Self, that Speaks for Oneness, Unity and Love....automatically replacing the voice you made up... which thinks and speaks for the personal "me-self"...perpetuating the false experience of separation from Love and thus fear."

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"I will live with you and teach with you if you will Think with Me."
Jesus..... A Course in Miracles

In prayer I asked Jesus how I could truly Think with Him. He said..."Give me your voice." I said..."I do give you my voice." He said.."no, not that voice (meaning my speaking voice) but the voice in your head. Give Me that voice and our thinking will be actively united and you will then hear the Voice of your Real Thoughts...the Thoughts that you share with Me and all of Creation....the Thoughts - Thinking... that speak to you only of what is Real....of what is True, of what is Beautiful, of what is Holy and what is already present right where you are"