Rose in Water

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A loving clarification and expansion of yesterday’s post.

"Yes, give Me your voice...not the voice of your mouth but of your mind - You made the voice in your mind and you maintain its presence and power over you by believing in it...paying attention to it, listening to it, and following it -

But because you made it up and God did not give it to you - you can release it from your awareness and thus - return your mind to Joy.

Rather than releasing this separating thinking  thought by thought - just consciously and with active willingness and focus and intention - give Me the voice itself - over and over and over again -as you hear it speaking in your mind through your thoughts - through your thinking - choose to give it to Me. (for instance..."Here Jesus, I give this voice to is my gift to You...I am no longer interested in listening to it or keeping it as part of my Identity."

This choice and decision and your commitment to it - evidenced by your focus of attention in this way - invites the Love and Light of God - which I am for you now...which I make tangible, tactile and useful to you now -

To flood your entire Field of Awareness - blessing and lifting all within it. This Light of God's Love is experienced by you as the True Voice within your mind - that Thinks and Speaks for God and Her Universal Self, that Speaks for Oneness, Unity and Love....automatically replacing the voice you made up... which thinks and speaks for the personal "me-self"...perpetuating the false experience of separation from Love and thus fear."

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"I will live with you and teach with you if you will Think with Me."
Jesus..... A Course in Miracles

In prayer I asked Jesus how I could truly Think with Him. He said..."Give me your voice." I said..."I do give you my voice." He said.."no, not that voice (meaning my speaking voice) but the voice in your head. Give Me that voice and our thinking will be actively united and you will then hear the Voice of your Real Thoughts...the Thoughts that you share with Me and all of Creation....the Thoughts - Thinking... that speak to you only of what is Real....of what is True, of what is Beautiful, of what is Holy and what is already present right where you are"

Friday, March 29, 2013

“Let the Love of God shine upon you by your acceptance of me. My Reality is yours and Hers (Gods.) When you unite with me, you are uniting without the ego (the personal sense of self, life and experience), because I have renounced the ego i...n myself and therefore cannot unite with yours.

Our union is therefore, the way to renounce the ego in you. Reach then... for my hand... because you want to transcend the ego."     

 Jesus - A Course in Miracles

Photo: "Let the Love of God shine upon you by your acceptance of me. My Reality is yours and Hers (Gods.) When you unite with me, you are uniting without the ego (the personal sense of self, life and experience), because I have renounced the ego in myself and therefore cannot unite with yours.<br /> Our union is therefore, the way to renounce the ego in you. Reach then... for my hand... because you want to transcend the ego." Jesus - A Course in Miracles


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

There is a Light

"There is a Light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you. All things that live bring gifts to you, and offer them in gratitude and gladness at your feet. The scent of flowers is their gift to you. The waves bow down before you, and the trees extend their arms to shield you from the heat, and lay their leaves before you on the ground that you may walk in softness, while the wind sinks to a whisper round your holy head."  ACIM........

As the personal sense of self steps back, the Light in us....the Universal I...the One Life and Love that we share and are as God created us.....steps forward to encompass and embrace each other and the world. Jesus…as a beautiful personification of the Christ Mind…tells us that this is the way and means of our salvation…of our freedom from all false beliefs, thoughts, ideas and concepts that hurt us and keep us in fear. We do walk on Holy ground… as our minds and hearts awaken out of the dream of self… to the truth of Who and What we are as Children of Light.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

personal i….ego

personal i…ego. I can see its ways more clearly these days – its insanity, confusion, separateness as a self different and apart from all else. Its depth of fear – its belief in loss and sacrifice and smallness – “it” against and surrounded by all things not “it”, its endless critiques of criticism, analyze, grievances, its saturation with the belief in loss and deprivation, sacrifice and punishment as an inescapable part of life….but mostly and from which all this streams forth from…. its endless and bottomless terror based on believing in its inherent aloneness as a being separate and apart from Source and Self and thus at odds with all other aspects of life.

With increasing clarity of purpose and decision – I see and feel in my heart – as an awakening mind – the need and pure true Desire – to fully awaken to the I that I actually IS and AM…free of all belief and identification with and attachment to… the ideas, concepts and sentiments of the separate i-self…the self that is always swinging between the pair of opposites – always having and being a personal separate i/me…with “my” supply, “my” life, “my” feelings and love and companions, “my” understanding, nature and purpose and even, in its greatest grandiosity….”my” spirituality.

 Yet, how Clean, Clear, Spacious, Beautiful and Infinite is I – the true, authentic universal and shared  I....the Self and Life that is Us –and that is infinitely and specifically expressing as all that has existence….how Free, how Radiant.  The i self that parades around as who we are.....has no life or foundation except for our belief in it and our attachment to it.

Ego counsels loss at letting go of the personal i…of releasing and relinquishing – wholly…. its thoughts and beliefs of personal anything and everything…love, desire, awareness, life, body, being…it counsels a state of inertia, deadness,disconnect, unrelatability, aloneness, coldness, distance… hurting us and others….as the price for letting go of personal i….

Yet….Can this be? When God – as I – is Love and Love is ONLY unitive, gentle, kind, happy, whole, satisfying, purposeful…as fulfillment ItSelf?

I/we… do not need to intellectually understand how I is….how I “works”….but I can and do…. invite and ask for and open to….more and more expanding and greater and greater individual conscious awareness and experience of and as –  this I …of the actual and only true I that I am – the one, universal  Life…that is Being ItSelf as this very I that I Am – whether that I is expressing ItSelf as “this” presence “here” or “that” presence “there”….

There is NO deprivation – No loss – NO apartness – NO distance of time or place or space – only I Being ItSelf Omnipresently – at and as… every point of everywhere and everything.

I need not strive to understand.... but accept...with wholehearted and joyous agreement…. and with willingness to Know again and remember all that I...truly IS and already and eternally AM.... as One with God and Self.

Friday, November 30, 2012


This is an Experience from 1996….I just reread it and it still brings such joy to my heart.  It is posted as I recorded it at that time.


   Throughout the years on my Path, I have had Experiences where my inner faculty of Vision was suddenly opened and another dimension of Life was shown to me. In one instant I would be standing looking at a human being and body, or viewing a beautiful, though physical, landscape – the next instant nothing would be present but an interior sense of Spiritual Creation. My awareness would be filled with the experience of the Divine nature of what a second before had seemed human and physical.
    These moments have been isolated incidents that have come “out of the blue” rather then as an experience I have consciously controlled. Always, always, they have had a profound impact on me and always they leave me hungry for another “shot of Reality.”
    Recently I have been blessed with a Vision that is beyond anything I have known thus far.
     A short time ago, a new friend came into my life and so we were spending some time together one afternoon, talking, sharing. As we sat, I was aware of many things, the physical beauty of my surroundings, the cold soda I was drinking, my daughter in a near by room, but mostly I was aware on a feeling level – trust, softness, friendship, caring.
     And then, ever so gently, quietly, my awareness became filled with this inner Vision. The atmosphere of Soul filled my Consciousness and the Light of Being permeated every aspect of my senses. My heart exploded with the Joy of Oneness – in that instant (however long that may have been I do not know) there was the awareness of only one Life – not my life, not Ellen’s life – but only the One, Pure, Perfect Life of Spirit that we share and that is our Reality. There was no division, no duality, no sense of time or space, no thought of separate bodies, minds, ways, or wills. It was a feeling of ecstasy that was exquisitely sensual, yet wholly removed from anything of a physical nature. It was an Experience that so far superseded my human idea of unity, union and joy that trying to put it into words almost sullies it. And yet, somehow, this time, I feel called upon to share it.

     The impact of this stayed with me for days and continues for me now. Never have I touched so closely, the depth, the richness, the power, and the boundless beauty of the Soul of man. Within my sister, I was shown, once again, the very kingdom of our Divinity. My reverence for Life as it truly is overflows because I have “seen’ the sacred Core of everything that has Existence.

     We are now as God created us and nothing of the human dream can in any way change or interfere with this Fact. What we seem to be or do in our humanhood is irrelevant to the Truth of Being. The Spirit of the Universal One expresses Itself as our individual Being. As Spiritual Identity, living within a  Spiritual universe, we each have an absolutely unique and individual place within the Universal scheme of things and “no one else,” no “other” individual, can fill our place or fulfill our particular function. God, Spirit, is now manifesting Itself as the Love, Beauty, Holiness and Joy of our Eternal Individuality for the purpose of glorifying Itself in some unique way that cannot be fulfilled by any other part of the Sonship.
    Our Value, our Sacredness, our Worth, comes not from who we think we are, not from anything that is part of our human sense of self and life – but from Who and What we are as Divine Beings. We are the image, likeness and totality of the very Essence, Nature and Activity of the One, Perfect, Divine Life and this and this alone is what gives us our Individuality and every expression of that. Regardless of what the outer appearance is, this is the Truth that surrounds us and is us.

     I walk forward now in my life with a greater conviction and trust that we do live, move and have our being in a Spiritual universe and as Spiritual, Divine Beings. And though my senses continue to deceive me, showing me all things that contradict this Reality, I cling to this Truth with faith and confidence knowing that in this way I will continue to receive Illumination.

     To each of us, the last thought for now is this:
Do not look to your human mind, brain, senses, body or brother to confirm this, for you will not find evidence of this in the corporeal, physical sense of the world.

     Look within, look to your own Soul, your own precious Divine Life and let It tell you of this truth, let It fill your heart with Love for your Holy Self and you will then seek it with all your passion, with all your heart, mind and being. As you seek to know your Self, It will reveal itself to you in ways you cannot know of in this moment and through everything and everyone that surrounds you.
    You are Divine not human, you are Spiritual not physical, you are Holy not lacking, and you are the Life that is everywhere present, not the life that is separate from all else. Give your energy, your attention, your Love, to Who you are and all that you are not will fall away.
Your Divine Being sets before you a banquet. Come to the Feast of your own Holiness and sup with It.
                                                                  Deborah Lorensen…1996