Rose in Water

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Jesus Thing

 I have just reread my “About Me” page and in one of the last paragraph’s  I state…

“So, my intent is to move out of my journals and into the blog space while still maintaining the informal, completely honest and open relationship I am progressively experiencing with Jesus, and my Divine Mother… as They so lovingly bring my heart and attention back into conscious union with the one divine Self and Life and Existence that is our Omnipresent and shared Reality.”

Well, I haven’t done that at all really. I still record everything in my journals and they continue to increase in number while the blog just sits here with lots of open space just staring at me. But I can  feel with increasing “pressure”  the “push” to get out of the privacy of writing in my journals to writing in this shared space. Though of course I find great joy in the thought that my words, thoughts and experiences may inspire and assist others that read them…..this is really for me…to further expand my own awareness and experience of the beautiful Revelations and  Insights I receive…. through the act of sharing them. Jesus tells us that we must teach and share all that we desire to Remember and Experience.

I will admit here…so that this valueless thinking, feeling and self-concept can be dispelled entirely in the Light of our joining….that I still have a lingering sense of shyness, reservation, and reticence of some kind…even a lingering hint of embarrassment ….around the whole Jesus thing. I mean…in my inner heart and awareness…the joy, gratitude, desire, and increasing conviction of what Jesus really is and what His presence within my awareness really means…. is the core of my life in time and the cause of my breathing every day. Yet still… though these self imposed restrictions have lifted markedly….they can still come forth in different ways that shut me off from authentic sharing.

So, having said this “out loud” now…in front of you who read this…..I am certain that these egoic ideas will wholly disappear from my mind…because I KNOW they are without value or joy….and do not serve the one Heart and Self that we share. For those of you who have specifically asked me to please continue writing…..I am renewed in my commitment to “speaking” clearly and candidly….and will move past the stuttering, sputtering business into the clarity I actually feel. Thank you for “bugging” me. Smile

In closing this post I am going to include a letter I wrote recently to a friend that has had a deeper experience of the Christ Identity through Jesus then myself….and I was guided to write to him and his lovely wife to ask for prayer joining and support for my own fuller Realization and Experience of this. I include this letter because it speaks briefly about a very important and defining experience I had and also succinctly reveals my true Heart at this time…..
“Good morning and greetings. Thank you for the beautiful work that you do and all the love you share.

I feel the need to share something with you. In the early 1990's I had...what I Jesus Encounter....and during this time Jesus said to me..

."You love me because of all that you see in me and think that I am. But you believe that we are different. I am here with you to teach you that you and I are One and the Same."

He not only said these words to me but He put his hand on my heart and transmitted them to me as a living Truth. During the years since.... I have walked with Him very consciously and then not so consciously.....having him be in the background again. It has been on and off....obviously from my end of things.

At this time in my experience however.....I deeply and live and walk and share from the Realization of what he imparted to me that day....that we are One and the Same Spirit.....the very Spirit of God, of Love....Children of the Light, the Christ Beloved. I feel an increasing inner "pressure" to claim my Childhood...through union with His Spirit.... and to walk this earth as witness to that the Truth that only Christ is here and real and present. He tells me that I am a Child of Heaven not a child of the world and that our conscious the One Spirit the gift I have come to be and share.

I have prayed and do let His Spirit, His Holiness and Light, that is my own and everything everywhere....Shine in me Brightly...and through and as me to lift and heal and bless and joy....every heart He brings to Us. I have yearned for a connection with someone who has this experience and would pray with me to help me....let go of self more....that this Light of  the Christ Spirit.....may flow through me as It desires to do so. One day He said....
"I am the Light that always shines in your mind and through your heart and image. But you must KNOW this and TRUST it completely."

Will you and your wife and Jesus join with me for the CONSCIOUS assurance, experience and fulfillment of this? Writing to you in this way has been coming to me for days here we are. Thank you for being present and reading this. With much Love and appreciation...”

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jesus and Destiny

As I stand back and look at my seems that Jesus...his actual present presence and inevitably and always... the true foundation and center of them all. Like he is just there “in between us”...whether in any given relationship...he is recognized and acknowledged dimly or greatly......he is definitely It has always been that way for the center of every real relationship...even before I really started to open up to him on a personal and intimate level.

It seems that at this time....once again....he is very very tangible to many of us....and I am seeing that even those that have pushed him away....which we all do on and off.....are aching with the deeper and more undeniable desire to have real relationship with him. It comes round and round to my awareness that my function here (and perhaps yours as well) is directly related to helping give Jesus.... his love, availability and wisdom....the tangible reality he wants to share.... with those that are destined to finish their individual Atonement path.... with him taking them into its Experience. (the release of their mind and heart from the belief in separation.)

I have been told that there is a specific “place-time” in our awakening....when we are ready to have our specific Teacher of in.....the specific Expression  of the Christ Mind that is destined to lead us into our own awakening ....truly unite with our minds to take us the rest of the way into the One Christ Light.....our shared ID and Life. This Expression (specific Being)...becomes apparent to us when we are really ready and willing and open...and the understanding was/is...that the specific Expression is destined for us...not chosen by us as a personality. For those of us who keep coming back to Jesus....he is the one destined for us. Our choice in this is WHEN we will fully accept this to be true and joyfully surrender into it. WOW!!!! Why not NOW!!!

anyhow, it’s a deep and beautiful subject....very very close to my heart. I join you in your awakening and in the means of forgiveness that is Jesus’s message and purpose. Imagine the power and joy inherent in knowing that we are joined with Jesus...the Infinite Christ a shared purpose and with each other in same. Nothing else is real or present.

“Your mind will elect to join with mine, and together we are invincible. You and your sister will yet come together in my Name, and your sanity will be restored. I have called you and you will answer. “ p. 65T ACIM

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Messages of Her Love

Here are two messages of Love that I had written down in my journal. Recently, as Debbie and I were reading them and praying for deeper Experience of their message……I thought….oh…this must be shared. So here are two of them….exactly as I “heard” them.   Take them deep within for She speaks directly to YOU.      So much Love



“I am Being Myself as you- now… as your specific awareness and experience- and in and as and through all Form.

I am being your Life, your Face, your Love, your Awareness , your Communication, Understanding, Transport-

I am Being the Absolute Fulfillment of the Experience and Expression of your Identity and every Perfect Idea included within and as this identity.

This is now…today.

Be with this Truth.

“Stay with Me”…ignore everything unlike this-

Give all attention of awareness and heart to this Truth.

Love and Honor – with all Pure Fidelity….. this that I reveal to you now- you-My Self – awakening again to complete full conscious Awareness and Experience of Heaven.”



Being Says;

“I don’t witness to my Self being a car, money, house, ect. I witness to my Self being the ever present Presence, Experience, and Evidence of Abundance, Wealth, Beauty, Perfection, Light, etc.

And this pure Awareness….. of Self witnessing Self…. is experienced by you- the awakening mind – as Forms that support you, assist you, love and care for you- as you continue awakening to and realizing the full Truth of your Life and Existence as I –as Spirit, as Divine Life.

You must acknowledge Me alone, alone, alone- Presence Being aware of Itself- as the all and everything unto you- Beautiful, Awakening One.”

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Mystic Heart

Saturday evening when I was in the Silence of prayer…..the Words came to me….

“Easter (our Easter Experience).…is the restoration of the Mystic Heart to the Child of God.”

The Mystic Heart was defined (not in linear words but as awareness in which it’s meaning was understood and felt) as the Heart that Knows (as in direct experience of) all it actually means to BE the Child of God’s Love. It is the Heart that FEELS what it really means to Be the direct Experience and Expression of all Divine Love Is and Has…. it is the the Heart that experiences  all it actually means to be the Image and Likeness of the One Divine Life… and moving and having her Being… Love’s World, the Spiritual Universe……the Universe made of perfect Love. 

The Mystic Heart…..oh…I just love those words….everything in me lifted up to meet and move into them. The Mystic Heart is the full Memory of all we already are and all we already have as the Beloved of Source. Where our human heart (not as a physical organ) is full of feelings of longing, sadness, fear, emptiness, restlessness, anxiety, limitation, yes, with a little happiness mixed in….but…never for too long …the Mystic Heart…..Knows and FEELS everything about it’s real and ONLY Life as the Conscious Child….as the conscious Expression of Divine Life……and as this Life and Identity….. has no awareness or experience of the opposites……of Love…. AND….  something other than Love…. in it. It Knows ONLY Love and all that Love IS.

The Conscious Child knows only what and as God Knows, Sees only what and as God Sees, Smells, Feels, Touches, Loves only as God does because the Conscious Child IS the very Presence of God’s own Self-Expression….. Knowing and Loving ItSelf as all that Exists.  The awakened Child is the Presence and the Evidence of the Presence…..of ALL that God is Being/Knowing/Feeling/Experiencing….. as her… and now. And it is the Resurrection or the Restoring of the Mystic Heart that returns us to this beautiful state of pure, undiluted conscious Awareness and thus Conscious Childhood.

Let’s think how beautiful this is. All of our sense of upset, fear and suffering comes from being unconscious Children of God……or said another way…..being unaware of Who and What and Where we actually are. We can never, ever, ever change the Fact that “NOW ARE WE THE CHILDREN OF GOD” but we do have the power to be unaware and unconscious of this Truth and dream dreams of being something else. An unconscious child lives through the human heart (the heart that believes it is separated from God and thus from the sole Experience of Divine Love) and so she sees only glimpses of how Beautiful and Holy she really is. But the Conscious Child.... living with and through and as the Mystic Heart.... remembers Reality and experiences Its reflection all around her.

Let us join together to ask for, feel into, accept, and be fully wholehearted with all our willingness and all our love... to experience the Mystic Heart as our ONLY Heart....our ONLY Awareness.... because in really already IS.

I have been told, many times, that any message given to “me” or “you” is automatically present and available for the Whole…..for it is true…there is only one Child, one Mind, one Consciousness….One Self. As we….. individually…. are awakening to this Reality…..we find that Truth revealed to one aspect (individual conscious awareness)…. is automatically extended or shared with all. If you “vibrate” with and at this specific "frequency"……in other words….if you resonate at some level of your Being with these Revelations, Impartations….then please, absolutely KNOW…. that your Mother/our Mother….Source….. is speaking them directly to you as well. If this is what you are experiencing then so gratefully and joyfully may we join together to consciously ask/accept…..for greater experience of our Mystic Hearts and thus our Lives as the divine Beloved.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


The only true purpose for our times of prayer…..and I am speaking here not so much about the constant communion with and as Presence that our hearts “should” be in as we walk around our worlds every day….but I am addressing the times where we consciously withdraw from everything and everyone to have that delicious undisturbed Silence and Solitude “with” God….the only true purpose at this time….is that we may have a deeper Realization, a fuller Experience and Awareness….. of the very Presence of God, of the very palpable Spirit of Love….. that is expressing and Be-ing…. It Self….. as infinite individual us and as all that exists.

When we know that this sweet Presence is the only Thing we are ever actually seeking, ever truly asking for, ever really wanting and desiring….then when we turn within….. our minds settle down, the straining stops, our hearts relax…..the knots untie for a while….and everything about us, in us and as us….. opens up to receive or accept the Living Experience of That which will not only satisfy us…. but will appear tangibly in whatever ways are most appropriate for us at our current individual level of awakening.  No matter what you may think you desire and need…..accept the truth that beneath that seeming desire is your true Need…which, once again, is to Know, Remember, Experience, Realize more clearly ……all that God Is and all that God is Being as your very Presence and the Presence of everything that Is.

When you sit to pray…and your heart opens wider in Love to beautiful Truth….. ask for what is Real. Ask to feel more awareness of what you already are as the beloved Self of God. Ask for this deeper Experience in any way that is real to you, there is no formality here….you are the absolute Beloved One of Source….and it is Love’s greatest pleasure to have you CONSCIOUSLY accept greater and greater Awareness of this Truth….. until you…and I….. are fully awakened to It.  Ask with confidence and the certainty of heart….. that awakening to the CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE AND EVIDENCING of Who and What you are as the Presence of the Divine… God’s Will and Desire for ItSelf as you.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Name for this Blog

I love the name The Still Point. It is deeply meaningful and rich within my heart and experience. But what I realized a few days ago is that The Still Point is a part of my mind’s awakening to its Reality, an aspect of the totality of this inner movement from unawareness of what is Real…. to true Awareness. During a conversation the other day…when the words…..”we can awaken fully  through Love”….came out of my mouth…..everything stopped….you know those moments…..everything stopped and I knew something had happened. It was then that I realized that Awakening through truly loving God, beautiful Spirit Omnipresent… all that is actually Present and Real and Be-ing and Happening……as me, as you, as the everywhere, of the everything, always and forever… more truly the Umbrella of my own experience of waking up and Being what I actually am.

It is really to this Divine Fact… that Spirit, that Beautiful Presence, that Love ItSelf…is the Fullness and Allness and Onliness of Who, What and Where we actually are (regardless of what we currently believe is real and true)… is to this changeless Truth….and my own discovery and experience of this Truth (that I may truly share)…..  that of all my energy, interest, joy, love, fidelity and commitment is given. This is the wider base for me….the foundational stone out of which all the rest comes. 

And so because the name….Awakening through Love…..encompasses the whole Field of what I am and what I love and what I am about….I decided to change the name here.  :-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1 Jn 5:14

A friend of mine is ever ever so lovingly transcribing some of my journals (they are like an autobiography of spiritual awakening) and she sent me a couple of entries from them on prayer. Though they are taken from two different journals and written at different times….they give the same theme and message about our attitude as we move into the prayer experience. And although these words were given to me as helpful instructions for my own prayer experience….I am reminded, once again, that Her messages of Love are not just personal but are meant to be shared. So I share these simple, sweet and intimate instructions here with you….knowing that Her Love sweeps through them to embrace all that can hear Her through this way of expression.

There are two I will post today. They very much remind me of 1 John 5:14 ( I paraphrase a bit)
  Now this is the confidence that we have in Her – if we ask anything according to Her Will She hears us….and we trust that since She does hear us… we have and are what we have asked of Her.”

An essential word there is HER WILL. And what is God’s Will? That we each wake up and remember and consciously Be again….Who, What and Where we already are as  the distinct, unique and direct expressions of Her Presence, Her Spirit, Her Life, Substance, Nature and Love. That we each allow the false sense of God AND us (this is the fantasy of separation)… be replaced with the Truth and Its experience….. of God AS us and all that IS. Therefore, true asking, desire, opening to.... is of this Essence.

1)   “Pray not with an attitude of hunger and unrequited longing but instead pray with the certainty and lightness of joy that accompanies this truth….a Child of Love has only to Ask and truly Desire….. to receive and accept what is being asked for.
      Ask not with a heart of unrequited longing; but with a heart that totally trusts she will be answered. You will be answered. Your Source always, always responds to you. You ARE her created Beloved.
     Pray, ask…..knowing you are the Beloved; cherished, adored and already Answered. You receive an Answer that always reveals to you in some way….what your Source, Spirit…. Is….and therefore what you really are and what the world really is.
     You receive an Answer that absolutely reveals (or evidences) your present Wholeness to you….in whatever ways and forms you can currently understand and be blessed by; in and as whatever brings the Joy and Abundance of Self to your remembrance and your immediate experience.
     A Child that knows she is loved approaches her Source, her Mother, with certainty, confidence and joyous expectancy; never with hesitation, doubt, un-fulfillment and longing.”

2)    “ Begin every prayer…..AS…. the Christ. (the direct, specific and unique expression of the One Divine Presence). Approach your Source with absolute confidence that you ARE Her Christ….Her Self expression and that She answers you….always….joyfully. That no request, no call is ignored….unanswered….not ever….never.
     Have unwavering confidence that as Her Beloved Christ….you not only have the right to ask – but that She delights beyond any joy you can presently understand – when you are open to feel Her Spirit within and as you…..thus accepting Her Answer and messages of Love.”

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I AM praying in you

Yesterday, Debbie (my housemate and a spiritual partner)….who expresses a great deal of wisdom and love through being a Life Purpose Hand Analysis….was headed out to take part in a  large Community Celebration day…where she would be doing a number of readings for the participants. As there was some low grade anxiety rumbling around in her psyche about this…I went into my room to pray and this is the message I received for her. (all of us really). Such tenderness! 

“At the very same time that you are praying…..”beautiful Spirit, sweet tender Free One….enable me, help me….to witness to and experience….the truth that You ARE Be-ing….happening AS… presence now”

at the very same time you are praying this…..I am praying within you….”Oh…..My beautiful Self…..let Me……enable Me….to show you……that I AM ALWAYS…..EVERWHERE…..HAPPENING AS YOU… the ALLNESS and ONLINESS of what you are….as ALL you are Being and Doing and Seeing.

 Help Me….to reveal to you….that My Presence is Being your ONLY Presence, your ONLY Love and Understanding, your ONLY Words and Experience….as well as the very Presence and Experience of ALL within your awareness…. always.

How… can you LET ME….how can  you ENABLE ME to do this?

By keeping your thoughts and the attention of your awareness and mind and love on this Truth…..on this precious Fact of all existence…..that I already and forever AM happening as you… the very presence you are Being (and there is NO other you happening) and TRUSTING this to be TRUE every moment of this day. It is your fidelity to this Truth that brings forth the conscious awareness and experience of “Our” Oneness.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Use of Language, Scriptures and Specific Teachings

I find sometimes that I feel inspired to write something here but then get bogged down because of my use of language, my love for scriptures, and certain teachings that I feel a deep resonating oneness with and for. So I want to share briefly about these three things and then they will not be on my mind anymore.

In 1997….I had a very beautiful spiritual Awakening to the experience of the Divine, of God….through and as….. the Divine Mother. It was quite startling for me, as I had never thought about God…. in terms of the Feminine aspect and had felt very content with the symbol and experience of God as Father. However, this being a direct Revelation, a spiritual Impartation from Source…. to and for my Consciousness and Heart…. it was very powerful and took root…. deep deep deep in, as and through my Soul. In that instant, the Feminine Face of the Godhead entered into me fully and has been been with me ever since.

It is not that I believe God has any gender (and this is NOT a gender issue) or is actually a mother or father as we know such to be humanly….no, its nothing like that.  All I can say is that that particular experience opened my consciousness to a new level of intimacy, awareness, experience and love…. with and for the beautiful Omnipresent Spirit that I had devoted my life to Knowing and Being consciously One with and As. I recognized that this was given to me as a gift of Love to help me awaken to my current Reality as Her created Beloved….. for the Divine Energy of the Feminine Nature ignited my Being at a level that had been untouched up to that point.

Because of this…..often I use feminine language in speaking about spiritual matters and experiences. Not always…. but often. Other then the beautiful and Absolute Name of I/I AM for God….it seems like there is only….He, She or It, to choose from….and so, as I said… most often I use the feminine words.

For me, and others I know (and many more I am sure)this way of expression is more truly imbued with the Energy of the Divine that I increasingly feel and know….the nurturing, soft, gentle, open, all embracing, all inclusive intimacy of Oneness….which points the mind and heart to its  real Experience....of, with and as... this Divine Presence... that of Oneness,Sameness and Infinite Love.

As far as Scriptures and specific teachings. I love scripture and am often inspired by them and inwardly taught through their presence coming to my awareness. It is not just from Bible scriptures but other sources as well. I have been graced with the company and the writings of many mystics of “old” and  have also been deeply inspired and blessed…. in particular… with the modern day writings of Joel S. Goldsmith through his “Infinite Way”, Jesus….through his “A Course in Miracles”, the writings of Lillian Dewaters, Marie Watts, and my mentor and Friend of this present moment, Paul Gorman. When I share from any of these writings…it is because I experience the Truth so clearly through that sentence, scripture or paragraph, rather then because I am wanting to draw attention to any particular teacher or teaching.

So…that said……it’s time for a walk! Smile deepest Love and gratitude for your gift of Presence.