You have asked…”How can I look upon these world events in a way that is healing to my heart rather than frightening, sentimental or sorrowful?”
First thing….ALWAYS…regardless of the seeming condition or circumstance you are aware of … whether it seems “personal” to you or further away in “others”, whether a seemingly small irritation or a catastrophic happening…STOP…and consciously remind yourself of Who, What and Where you are and what your sole purpose and commitment is. Without this fundamental and absolute Truth…you have no beginning and no true foundation to stand upon or pray out from.
You are a Child of Heaven, one with God as the very extension of Her Spirit, living, moving and having your Being in and as the Universe of changeless Light, Love, Wholeness and Peace.…beyond which, there is nothing. This is the Truth – the unalterable Fact of your Life and Presence right here and right now. It does not matter that you do not yet fully remember this Reality, or experience your Self and your world in this way – all that matters in this moment, is that you accept this Truth, bring your mind and heart into agreement with it and give your full willingness and dedication to the single purpose that everything….without exception… used as a means to have realization and experience of it.
Now, as this Child who has decided to remember Who she is…how can you walk amidst the constant clamor of what seems to be a world of chaos, pain, lack, warring factions and terror… using it to facilitate for yourself….your single hearted desire, purpose and intent….to remember and experience your Self in your oneness with God and all aspects of creation?
Through the laying down and releasing of all judgment. A different way to state this is…through giving your mind a different purpose. Stop using the mind to judge, analyze, compare, criticize,, evaluate and condemn. This only keeps you, beautiful Child…in a self-induced state of separation from the love, safety, gentleness and unity that you truly desire. Stop staring at the pictures and images that you call your world, giving them your meaning, focusing with rapt attention on them…so certain that you see and understand everything about everything and everyone. Using your mind in this manner keeps you asleep and unaware of the spiritual Reality that you so long to remember and know again.
Easy to say this right? But how can you make headway in this? As a Child of Heaven, you – alone – decide how you will use your mind, what purpose you will give to it. Since you have already decided you do not wish to use it as a weapon of warfare and separation (judgment) – you can and you must actively and consciously choose another intent for it. Choose to have it be an instrument for Something higher than its own chaotic and hopeless level of understanding , opinions, reasoning and thinking. Choose to have it be so clean, so clear of judgments, so pure and open and receptive…that the Breath of God may flow through it…blessing you and all around you with Freedom.
Your power to decide how you will use the instrument of your mind – is the way out of fear for you now. There is a Presence within you and with you – always – Whose sole function and interest is to restore to your heart and your mind the Truth about your oneness with your Source and what your Life is…as the direct expression of all She is and has. This Spirit within knows only the Things of Reality, and this Divine perspective, interpretation and awareness of absolutely ALL things that are included within your consciousness….. is given you freely…as you give your mind willingly to receiving this in place of the judgment that took up its attention before. In this way, through this pure Vision and perspective flowing through you to touch all you look upon, you are truly loving your brothers and sisters.
Choose you today whom you will serve Child of Light – be taught only of this Divine Love. Release your interest and fascination with the false and hurtful idea that using your mind in a personal way brings you joy and freedom and instead – give your mind to Me - Who will use it on behalf of your Remembrance and restoration – the one true gift and contribution to the whole Self….that you can make.
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